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Eric, 40

"Working with Mitch has been a revealing educational transformation. From the moment we met, he has fought for my health goals while being avid about the transfer of knowledge. It’s not enough for him to guide you through some change."

"My goals when I met Mitch were to sleep through the night without pain, regain physical strength and supporting muscle structure, return to the sport I love (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) and have physical longevity both on and off of the training mats. For about 5 years, my nights were staggered with tossing and turning, bad sleep and neck and shoulder discomfort. The last 2 years were severe due to reaching a breaking point where the inflammation and tension in my body had nowhere else to go but to begin tearing itself apart. I found myself in the worst shape of my life, weak and in pain. After decades of professional sports, abuse, and injuries that had “healed,” I still suffered from the accumulated and acute damage.

The actual mechanical issues that we needed to overcome between both shoulders included a torn rotator cuff, protruding AC joint, labral tears in two locations, blunted vertebral processes on C6 and C7 and a painful pulled subscapularis muscle that had been recurring for 22 years.

Part of the pain from these kinds of injuries rests in the pain of not finding a trustworthy solution. Prior to Mitch, I have wasted plenty of time and money on:

-2x MRI Arthrograms, needed for diagnostics, and doctors recommended surgeries ranging from anchoring connective tissues to cutting and disconnecting part of my collar bone… none of which inspired confidence or guaranteed actual improvement. These doctors were not empathetic to athletes and said the likelihood of continuing with sports would be low.

-Cortisone injection with minimal improvement. Knowing nothing, I trusted the doctor and later wished I never had that injection.

-Ice treatment equipment and magic workouts from friends and the internet.

-Multiple different therapists with various approaches including acupuncture, cupping, massage, tissue scraping, electronic TENS machines and various rehabilitation workout routines.

-Rotational joint movements (CARS) and isometric positioning exercises.

-Stem Cells – but I’m pretty sure it was fake because it was a good deal, not professionally run, and the company didn’t even exist a year later… that one’s on me.

-Holistic practitioner (whom I respectfully referred to as my witch doctor), who performed muscle testing, verbal feelings tests and provided ongoing proprietary alternative medicines to unblock my energies, etc.

Working with Mitch has been a revealing educational transformation. From the moment we met, he has fought for my health goals while being avid about the transfer of knowledge. It’s not enough for him to guide you through some change. Beyond the results speaking for themselves, taking ownership of that change and knowing how to do it yourself is where the value lies. In the search for the primary underlying cause of my injuries, we uncovered several mobility restrictions common to humans but unique to my body. Many of the previous attempts to improve those injuries ignored the CAUSE and were violating my personal mobility restrictions in attempt to strengthen them (which actually contributes more to the injuries).

After decades in sports, I have gained through Mitch a foundation shifting understanding of what comprehensive means. Sleep, hydration, nutrition, mobility restrictions and bodily tension… every one of which were contributing to my personal issues. The acquisition process was simple and gradual, and I fully committed myself to the new methodologies and began to sleep through the night. My pains reduced and eventually subsided. I saw strength and mobility growth. Within a few months, I saw improvement so rapidly and felt so surprisingly confident that I added an additional goal to the list on my way to longevity: to get as shredded as possible for my 40th birthday! 6.5 months from the start, I reached that goal, avoided surgery, and have been on the path to greater improvements ever since. Any issues that arise, I have the tools to deal with them immediately and confidently.

I could not have imagined this level of improvement prior to meeting Mitch and am grateful for the good fortune of my friends having referred me. To me, in the past year he has not only become a friend, he has come to represent one of the best investments in my health and quality of life. I could not recommend him enough."

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